

I often wonder how much i'd flip out if I didn't have my moleskine on me.
However, two years ago my grandma generously gifted me with a pack of six 5x8" notebooks for me to fill, and I just started my third this past February. It's quite interesting- my first one was full of doodles and poetry and to-do lists, my second was filled with more poetry, but also recipes. So far, my third one is quickly being filled up with not only recipes, but collages, free-hand drawings, and magazine cut outs i've glued in to provoke thought-conversations, like a picture of the inside of a spaceship I found that created paragraphs around it recalling my fear of space as a child, despite my father's want for me to become a rocket scientist. He plastered my bedroom walls with posters of astronauts and NASA launches and planets, to which I was horrified for years to come.

Anyway, thanks Gram. I owe you a drink. She can drink me under the table, really- my first inebriation was with her at 13, but that's another [long] story.

I'm thinking about stitching this one. Perhaps on canvas, or heavy weight paper.
It will most likely fall under "summer projects", which is becoming a long list.

Gentle monster: rapidiograph pen with a cut out from a 1960s National Geographic

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