I'd like to update you kids a little on my social life. A couple weekends ago I went to an amazing pre-Halloween tri-fecta birthday shindig. Oh yes. That kind of party. It made me happy, because I got to dress up in my costume early, which was smart because now I know what I need to complete it. Two years ago, I was Tank Girl, a character based off of the London punk comic strip from the late 80s/early 90s. Don't think Lori Petty. Anyhow, it's my favorite idea i've followed through with for Halloween, and i'm not about to do a sappy couple's costume again (last year, Mike and I were monotone clowns in matching whiteface). ANYWAY. It was Cole's 22nd birthday earlier that weekend, and he was going to be Richard Dreyfuss in Jaws, but we all said he just looked homeless, so I made him a little sign to spruce his costume up.
I would like to point out the cat in these pictures. Kitty is quite possibly the only cat i've met that i'm not allergic to. It's pretty wild.

Usually if i'm going to nuzzle with a feline I need to have a couple Allegra and a prayer beforehand.
This is Cole's roommate, Judd. This is a picture in which you can see the full extent of my costume, though I think my toy handguns were m.i.a. at this point. Judd does make a really cute Marty McFly. I kept asking him if his name was Calvin. Not a lot of people got it, surprisingly enough.
I can't wait until Halloween.
Currently listening to: "Space ghost jam", by Pavement
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