Classes started back again on Tuesday, and my schedule, which I thought was going to be light for fifteen hours, is a bit intense this fall. I'm taking two lovely photo courses with my favorite teacher, Charlie, who for all intents and purposes is pretty much the coolest guy you might meet.

I swear upon this.
Furthermore, even though this is my third year taking classes from him, i'm still amazed that this guy was good friends with Ansel Adams and Imogen Cunningham. It blows me over when he jokes around about Ansel and him lifting Polaroid prints onto hardboiled eggs over lunch, or when Imogen gave everyone marijuana plants for Christmas. I'm also taking a history of photography course that is mandatory for art-photography students, but you know, we read Sontag. It's not too bad at all, and the teacher likes me already.
Fortunately, tomorrow i'm having a photography filled evening with a good friend bringing wine, seeing a Mamet play put on by none other than the talented folks with SMU theatre, and then Saturday i'm going to a Grassfight show and then having drinks with friends. Sunday will be for massive amounts of reading, and possible party-recovery.
Currently listening to: "The Republic of Rough & Ready" by Hella
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