I just discovered the cutest, eco-friendly bags online.
They're called 'baggu's, and they're reusable shopping bags in like, 30 different colors. You can get them in packs of 3 or 6, and, I just ordered 6: 2 for me, 2 for my stepmom, and i'm giving 2 away to friends. They're really sturdy, too, so I can use them for groceries and throw them in the back of my car. Although I never use plastic bags- especially when i'm shopping anyplace else and buying clothes or knickknacks- I always tell them to put it in the bag I have with me. So much crap you buy already has plastic wrapping on it already, so why waste?

Currently listening to: "S Is For Evrysing" by the Books
They're called 'baggu's, and they're reusable shopping bags in like, 30 different colors. You can get them in packs of 3 or 6, and, I just ordered 6: 2 for me, 2 for my stepmom, and i'm giving 2 away to friends. They're really sturdy, too, so I can use them for groceries and throw them in the back of my car. Although I never use plastic bags- especially when i'm shopping anyplace else and buying clothes or knickknacks- I always tell them to put it in the bag I have with me. So much crap you buy already has plastic wrapping on it already, so why waste?

Currently listening to: "S Is For Evrysing" by the Books